Saturday, December 15, 2012


Sunday, December 16th

Relief Society Lesson:
"Righteous Living in Perilous Time
Page: 255
Taught By: Karen Thorne
"Righteous Living in Perilous Time"
(Click on Link)

Sunday School Lesson:
"I Speak Unto You As If Ye Were Present"
Lesson: 44

Page: 27

(Click on Link)

Sunday, December 23th
Relief Society Lesson:
Presidency Message:  Kaye Hart

Sunday School Lesson:
"Never Has Man Believed in Me As Thou Hast"
Lesson: 45

Page: 27-28

(Click on Link)

Sunday, December 23th

Relief Society Lesson:
Conference Lesson (April 2012)

Taught By: Kathryn Napierski
What Thinks Christ of Me?

Sunday Lesson:
"By Faith All Things Are Fulfilled"
Lesson: 46

Page: 28
"By Faith All things Are Fulfilled" 

(Click on Link)


Editor:  Claudia Love and Karen Thorne

City Construction
The Geneva Road Project Team

Mayor City Blog 
Check out the Mayor's blog on the city website....
 (Click here)

Library Activities check out the date and times via website...
(Click here)

Fixed Income? 
The HEAT program is now administered through Mountainland Association of Government. Their number is (801) 229-3855,  or you can find out more about the program by visiting the following link

The City of Orem also offers a Housing Rehabilitation Program to provide decent, safe, and sanitary housing through rehabilitation and emergency repair on structures.  The program benefits owner-occupied residents who fall into low and moderate income categories.   To read more about this program, or to obtain an application please visit our web page at

Utah County also offers a Weatherization Program.   Please visit their web page for information.  The waiting list for this program is long, but well worth the wait. 

I hope you find this information useful and it has answered all of your questions.  Please feel free to contact me if you have further questions or concerns.

Kristie Snyder
CNS Specialist
City of Orem
(801) 229-7025


First Presidency Message 

Rediscovering the Christmas Spirit
(Click on Link)

“Verily, verily I say unto you, he that hath the spirit of contention is not of me, but is of the devil, who … stirreth up the hearts of men to contend with anger, one with another.
“Behold, this is not my doctrine, to stir up the hearts of men with anger, one against another; but this is my doctrine, that such things should be done away” (3 Nephi 11:29–30).


Visiting Teaching December Message:

Visiting Teaching a Work of Salvation
(Click to view)

“We are ‘to warn, expound, exhort, and teach, and invite [others] to come unto Christ’ (D&C 20:59), as the Lord said in his revelations,” said President Spencer W. Kimball (1895–1985). Further, he said, “Your testimony is a terrific medium.”



3     Kate Hart

11   Jill Birrell

19   Shari Stone
20   Christy Hernandez




In an effort to get to know one another better and appreciate the good we find, we want to welcome you to: SISTER SPOTLIGHT

This week, we are SHINING the SPOTLIGHT on...

Peggy is a dedicated person, whether it be to her family, her calling  or other responsibilities.  If it is hers to do,  it will get it done.  Peggy is dedicated to 
the gospel and diligently studies the Sunday School  and Relief Society lessons.   

Paul says the bravest things she’s done is to raise 7 children.    Peggy  is happiest 
when she is around her family and not worrying about the kids.  She loves to laugh 
at the silly, fun things her grandchildren do.  Peggy was very brave when she went to Disneyland with 17 family members and didn’t lose one of them!  She also loved the big roller coasters.   

 If she had a day to herself, she would probably go for a “drive” to see what’s new or how things have changed.  She wouldn’t mind going out to eat either.  Peggy’s favorite hymn is
“Love at Home”  because they have lots of it!     

Some fun things to know about Peggy are that:  she is a great swimmer; took ballet growing up, learned to skate on Utah Lake, she is a CNA, pharmacy tech, railroad transcriptionist, great chef, and is a whiz at ebay.

And according to Paul, she is “the best wife, mother, grandma and friend anyone could have.”

Thanks Peggy for all you do.